Game Scene Week 8 Final
Progress update for week 8:
Added finishing touches and last car game object.
Also added the door animation.
Above you will find our walkthrough for the final turn in. Overall this project has taught me a lot about running a team and what it takes to get everyone on the same page. I really enjoyed the creation of the annotation of the map and texturing models to catch up the rest of the group. To start, there were no real issues with the group and we all solidly contributed work to add to the scene, however, as the class went on we slowly started to lose grip and I started having to remind people to get certain things in so we can remain on schedule. Over time, this method worked because everyone felt as though they wanted to help the team achieve a solid grade. After that, the amount of assets made for the map exponentially grew. Soon we had particle effects, lighting, a skybox, and a bunch of new assets that make the map look really good. All in all, this project is one where you must hold each other accountable because if you don't you will quickly sink. I learned a lot and we made a solid game scene so it was all worth it in the end.
Game Scene Week 7
Progress update for week 7:
Added surrounding objects:
Added new 2 story construction building and tires:
This week was another slow one where we only got in 2 assets. At this point we just want to be done with the project I feel. This week I was able to get into the project yet again and add in some new assets fresh off the presses. I'm picking up a lot of the slack doing the texturing for some of the assets and its great and all but I wish there was a little bit more energy with the production. Nonetheless we are making great progress within the project and are really close to being done.
There were no issues this week because I'm in charge of getting the composition of the scene together. I do have to add in an animation by the end of the class at some point but that's all fine and easy to put in. Happily awaiting next week!
Game Scene Week 6
Progress update for week 6:
Added new two story construction building.
This sprint was a fast one to go through and I was even able to pick up some of the slack and paint one of our construction buildings for a quick handoff into the official game scene. This was a longer check in time than usual but there isn't many new things. There are models coming down the pipeline currently but as of right now, we can fill the scene with rudimentary models and slowly get in textures. The general layout of the map will remain unchanged and as we get piece and piece of the map integrated, it will eventually finally reveal our call of duty map that we've been attempting to reach.Game Scene Week 5
Progress update for week 5:
Added new room crate.
Textured and imported new room crate with table and chair.
Dust particle that goes over the whole map.
Fire particle.
This week I continued placing the assets we have from the trello into the blocked out scene. Doing realistic texturing is a tough job because sometimes you can get carried away and ending up having to restart the whole thing but these look really nice! Tristin did a great job on the concrete pillars and Miles did a great job on the ground texture. With this pace, we should be able to swiftly get a model done and place it in the scene in a correct place in no time. Polawat had some wooden boxes and some fenceline assets created as well. This whole map is supposed to feel like a dust battleground so it's important to have assets that reflect that. Sandy rusted cars, construction sites, storage crates and more. We originally chose call of duty because we assumed it would be the easiest to create but it is really difficult to nail down the exact aesthetic sometimes with the textures.
Next sprint, I will be continuing to add and implement the assets we send in to the official scene. I haven't experienced any issues this sprint and everything is going nicely. This sprint I have finished my tasks because I'm in charge of setting up the scene and then I'm in charge of implementing the assets in the scene as well so we can all stay up to date.
Game Scene Week 4
Progress update for week 4:
Added new terrain and storage crates.
Added storage crates to the game scene.
Substance painter for the crates.
This weekend was a fast one to go through and I was even able to pick up some of the slack and paint one of our storage crates for a quick handoff into the official game scene. This was a shorter check in time than usual so there isn't much to see. There are models coming down the pipeline currently but as of right now, we can fill the scene with rudimentary models and slowly get in textures. The general layout of the map will remain unchanged and as we get piece and piece of the map integrated, it will eventually finally reveal our call of duty map that we've been attempting to reach.
This was the task I completed this week on paper, but my main job is to upkeep the actual scene we will eventually use to show off the finished product. Along with tapping in to do a texture for the storage crate, I am always in the discord communicating with my team and leading them from task to task. I think this project will eventually look great but the faster we get in the models the faster we can clarify the surrounding area to reflect a total picture and story.
Game Scene Week 3
Progress update for week 3:
Added props around the map.
Added fencing.
This week was spent fixing the ground texture, getting the scene going with some basic asset placement in, and fixing some lighting to start to tie together the theme of the level. This week didn't have that much new asset creation but I made do and constructed the beginning pieces of the map. The upcoming sprint will be filled with new assets and the integration of some particle effects we have coming down the pipeline. Overall, this week's trello looked a little less energetic as usual. Hopefully we can pick up the pace coming into these new sprints because I do worry about crunch and burn out.
Coming up my responsibilities will be to get the assets in the scene as fast as possible and be of help in any way for the new assets. Until then, I'm stuck with what we got so far.
Trello: 9 Tasks
This start was a pretty simple one. All I gotta do is put the assets in when they come to me and eventually hook up the door and particle effect for the car for the requirements for the assignment but that shouldn't be too tough. Moving forward, I'm going to be as much of a help as I can with the tasks given. I'm really excited to see where the project goes and how great of a map we can make to show off to the team.
Game Scene Week 2
Progress update for week 2:
Ground Texture:
Modeling Assets In:
Concrete Pillars
This week I started placing the assets we have from the trello into the blocked out scene. Tristin did a great job on the concrete pillars and Miles did a great job on the ground texture. With this pace, we should be able to swiftly get a model done and place it in the scene in a correct place in no time. Polawat has some wooden boxes and some fenceline assets coming down the pipeline soon. This whole map is supposed to feel like a dust battleground so it's important to have assets that reflect that. Sandy rusted cars, construction sites, storage crates and more. We originally chose call of duty because we assumed it would be the easiest to create but it is really difficult to nail down the exact aesthetic sometimes with the textures. Doing realistic texturing is a tough job because sometimes you can get carried away and ending up having to restart the whole thing but these look really nice!
This sprint I have finished my tasks because I was in charge of setting up the scene and then I'm in charge of implementing the assets in the scene as well. Next sprint, I will be continuing to add and implement the assets we send in to the official scene. I haven't experienced any issues this sprint and everything is going nicely.
Game Scene Week 1
Annotated map:
Object List:
Modular Wall which created the level's boundary
2-Story Wooden Building with construction site (Still in Construction)
Construction Site Stage (used as elevated platform)
Concrete Construction Pillar
Storage Crate
Shipping Container
Wall of Tires
Old Forklift
Palm Tree (In distance to give "Life" to the scene)
Main Plaza
Scrapyard Cars
Flimsy Wooden Sniper Tower
2-Story Concrete Corner Building
This week I must do 4 tasks on trello so we can keep up with the speed of the class.
This first week of our final was a solid one. Everyone was willing to get some work done so we can easily transition from milestone to milestone. Today, we were able to get everyone on the Unity collab as necessary. I personally was able to block out and annotate the map for us to ensure we have a clear understanding of the layout before we make any more progress on it. Since everyone is willing to help out, this process will be a lot easier than if everyone was more stubborn on it. I was admittedly a little late on this annotated map because apparently my blogger didn't save last night so I had to restart from the beginning. No matter though, I'm more willing to redo tasks that I find enjoyable so here we are! Over the next couple of weeks, I will do a better job of getting things on time and even ahead of time so the rest of the team can do the work they need. Looking forward to a fun final project with some great people.
Tower Micro Scene
Hello everyone and welcome to my blog post for the Tower Micro Scene assignment. This assignment was one of the more enjoyable ones because I love the tower defense genre like bloons tower defense. This project was fairly simple overall, I had minimal complications if any and it just required some trial and error to fix them. I really had a fun time creating assets for this project and moving them into substance and then further into unity. The maya building process was fairly long and I actually learned what LOD's are and how easy they are to create and implement into Unity. Now I understand why some of my favorite games have those assets that kind of snap into view when you get close to them. Team Fortress 2 has this implemented and I've always wondered how they did it back then but now I know that it's literally a different model being popped into existence ON TOP of the more high poly model so it's easier on the on the rendering of the system that's being used. This is extremely useful when developing games because you want every system to be able to run the program. It only makes sense to have multiple objects of varying polys to be able to spawn in when you don't necessarily need to "see" them from far away. Bringing the models into substance was fun too because it allowed me some freedom in the design and feel of the towers. I went with an older feel. The towers clearly have some wear and tear on them and they look like they've been there for years. Overall really fun project and fun class. Looking forward to the final!
Sci-Fi Hallway Assignment
Hello everyone and welcome to my blog post for my sci-fi hallway assignment for CAGD 373 Game Asset Production. This assignment was to get the whole class to finally build a mini-scene that can effectively portray a story or theme. For my hallway, I went with a more sinister emotional feel that shows the player that they might be heading down a bad path. I actually had a lot of problems with this assignment as I have never effectively from start to end send an asset from maya, to substance, to unity in an effort to completely create and push forward my own assets. I never got the door to work properly unfortunately so it kind of just freaks out and goes up and down without letting the player dictate if it does that specific action. Other than that short coming, I was able to complete all of the assignment aside from that. There are a variety of assets to look at and explore in this map and the haunting music will always put you on edge. I had a lot of fun in this assignment because it really pushed me to my limits and made me concentrate really heavily on the detail and precision that comes from such an assignment. I'm aware of the group project we have to do in the next part and I'm excited to move on. Overall fun project and I learned a lot.
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